Solmitra Solar Lantern is a simple application of solar photovoltaic technology, which has found good acceptance in rural regions where the power supply is irregular and inadequate. Even in the city, people choose a solar lantern as an alternative during power cuts, while camping, fishing and more. This is because of its simple mechanism.
How does Solmitra Solar Lantern work?
Our solar lantern is made of three main components – the solar PV panel, battery and lamp. The operation is very simple. The solar energy is converted to electrical energy by the Solar PV panel and stored in a sealed maintenance-free battery for later use during the night hours. A single charge can operate the lamp for about 6 hours.
Solar lanterns provide higher quality light than candles or kerosene lamps. The possible applications for the system are emergency light source, light source in remote unelectrified villages, light source for the field, Adult education centre and other mass communication programmes. Solar Lantern is designed to make solar energy more accessible. The lantern can provide up to six hours of high-quality light, or a combination of light and radio output to bring news and information to households.