Partner With Us

If you are interested to join us, you are welcome. Lets work together.
Business Categories are as follows bellow:
Advantages Platinum Dealer Dealer Authorised Agent
Exclusive Territory Yes N.A. N.A.
Entitled to resell our products Yes Limited to outdoor products. Limited to outdoor products.
Sales support through backend team. Yes Yes Yes
Field Assistance Yes Limited Limited
Technical and Installation Training Yes Yes Yes
Printed Marketing material Yes (Dealer’s name printed on the materials) Yes (Company specific materials) Yes
Incentives & discounts Yes N.A. N.A.
Service Centre opportunity Yes Yes Yes

*certain terms & conditions apply


If you manufacture Solar Cell, Aluminium Panel, Ribbon, Sealant, Glass, Back Sheet, EVA Sheet or any other PV module raw Materials and are interested to work with us then please fill in and send your details in the ensuring form.

Please send the details very soon our team will contact you!

    Partner With Us
    1. Name
    2. Phone Number
  • are you interested in? Platinum DealerDealerAuthorised AgentVendorOthers
  • * Indicates Required Field

      Partner With Us
      1. Name
      2. Phone Number
    • are you interested in? Platinum DealerDealerAuthorised AgentVendorOthers
    • * Indicates Required Field
